My spectacular holiday by Maddox

My Spectacular Holiday-Maddox

On boxing day we packed up all our stuff it was really hard to put everything in I was stuff as a stick stuff was loaded on top of me my left  foot was stuck between the water bottles and the doors it was hard to move we were in the car for a our in the car to otematata.


We got to otematata it was stuffy and really hot we unpacked we got the tents up got beds up we got my mum gave me the hardest job putting the cabinet to together  it was wonky we finally finished all our stuff.


We finally got to sit down but I got on my bike and went down the walkway I could not  slow down and nearly fell in to the lake and we had dinner then 4 hours later at 9:00 pm we had to go to bed That kinda sucked.


Me my Mum and my little sister we went for a big walk but my sister got tired and we had to go back that late afternoon Matt said to  me and Amelia do you guys to to go on the biscuit we said yeah so we jumped on the boat out to the lake I nearly fell off the biscuit.


New years eve we had a great day we had ice cream we annoyed little kids by knocking the sand castle they started chucking rock art us that was funny one kid pushed me and his Mum

was angry.


The end of our trip we went to the tires and we saw Mamma duck she went away to get food and underneath was 4 baby eggs.


That was the end of our trip 2018 that was fun to have well that was the end I was sad but we had to leave.

My life

I have a awesome family 2 sisters 1 brother mum and dad 2 dogs 2 fish 1 rabbit and 2 kittens I love my house at my school I do blogging I have good friends I like biking sort of swimming I like T.V

My Triathlon


On Wednesday it was the O.I.S triathlon there was a lot of students there where a couple of teachers was running the whole  triathlon. `


sixth of march I was in a team with Isaac and Callan I had to swim eight lengths of the pool I could hear people shouting Campbell aka Mr coconut.


Yuck I could taste the chlorine after I hoped out of the pool I ran to go tag Isaac I tag his hand he zoomed to his bike I was glad when I aged Isaac hand it gave me good relief when he ran it was like i finished but not my team then Callan started to run he was fast.


I was tired but I was glad I finished the race it was hard enough when I’ve got pain but everyone else finished but some other people have pain just not me and they did the race.


My Avatar

My avatar is cool because it has a nice clothes he has a nice blue jacket and and creamy shirts it has a cool smooth blue cap and sunglasses I’m also learning  guitar that is why I put it in 

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